Learning without Limits MENU

Oxford International Education Group is the trading name of Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and its subsidiaries. We have written this Privacy Notice to explain how we keep your data safe and respect your privacy. Below you will find information explaining how we do this: what data we process about you, why we process that data and the legal bases for processing that data.

This Privacy Notice also applies to all the different companies/brands that are part of the Oxford International Education Group:

All of these companies as well as Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and the Oxford International Education Group Administrative staff (in marketing, sales, finance etc) follow the same guidelines with regard to Data Protection. If you have any questions please contact us:

Data Compliance Manager
Oxford International Education Group
259 Greenwich High Road
London SE10 8NB


We have appointed a Data Protection Officer whose role is to inform and advise us about, and to ensure that we remain compliant with, data protection legislation. The Data Protection Officer should be your first point of contact if you have any queries or concerns about your personal data.

Our current Data Protection Officer is Bulletproof Cyber Ltd who can be contacted as follows:
Address: Units H/J/K Arlington Business Park, Gateway 1000, Whittle Way, Herts, SG1 2FP; Phone number: 01438500090: Email address: dposupport@bulletproof.co.uk

We also have an EU Representative who can be contacted as follows:
Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Bradford International College Ltd
Colmantstrasse 15
53115 Bonn



The following companies that also are part of Oxford International Education Group are acting as controllers in respect of their own data and are registered independently with the ICO. For their privacy policies please click on the following links:



Under certain circumstances, you may have certain rights regarding how your personal data is used and kept safe, including the right to:

Right of Access: You have the right to a copy of the information we hold about you.

Right to Object: You may object to the use of personal data if it would cause, or is causing, damage or distress. You have the right to object to any decisions taken using automated processes. You also you have the right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.

Right to be Forgotten: Under certain circumstances, you can ask for the data we hold about you to be deleted from our systems.

Right to Rectification: If data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to correct or complete that data.

Right to Restriction of Processing: Where certain conditions apply you have a right to restrict the processing of data.

Right of Portability: You have the right to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation.

Some of these rights may not apply where we are legally obliged to keep or share your personal data. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact our Data Compliance Manager (see below).


We take any complaints about our collection and use of personal information very seriously. If you think that our collection or use of personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or have any other concern about our data processing, please raise this with us in the first instance. To make a complaint, please email our Data Compliance Manager protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com.

Alternatively, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK via the options listed below, although we would be grateful for the opportunity to address your concerns before you contact the ICO.

How to contact the ICO:

  • Report a concern online at https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/
  • Call +44 303 123 1113
  • Or write to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, UK


Oxford International creates life-enhancing learning experiences for students worldwide. Whether you are a student or parent; whether you work with us or for us, we are committed to keeping your data safe and respecting your privacy. On this page you will find privacy notices that show what data we process about you, why we process that data and what the legal bases are for processing that data. Please select the Privacy Notice that applies to you to see more information:



This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about students. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the data controller, and for the purposes of data protection law, this privacy notice applies to Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and its group companies.

The table below shows the data that we process about students, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data. Cells marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that parent or guardian data may also be processed in the same way, where a student requires parental consent.

The data or type of data we process

The purpose of processing that data

The lawful bases for processing this data

Your name, date of birth, gender, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. Your relationship to the student*

To identify you to communicate with you


 for marketing purposes


for debt collection purposes

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to promote our schools and our educational activities)

Necessary for our legitimate interests (for the running of our business)

Your nationality, ethnic background, any special educational needs, special requirements or disabilities

To provide appropriate information and assistance for you

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Compliance with a legal obligation

Where you have given us consent

Next of kin and emergency contact numbers

To contact your family or close friends in the event of an emergency

To protect your vital interests

Your passport, BRP and visa details

To meet government immigration regulations

Compliance with a legal obligation

Bank account details*

To manage payments and refunds

Fulfilment of a contract with you


Your educational records and test or exam results from previous schools

To offer you the most appropriate courses

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Your medical information, including medications you take, allergies and dietary requirements

To help you manage your health while you are with us

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Compliance with a legal obligation

Where you have given us consent

Your educational records and test or exam results from Oxford International

To manage your progress while studying with us

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Your attendance records and booking in/out records for school and residence

To meet government immigration and safeguarding regulations

To assist with debt collection

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Compliance with a legal obligation

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to assist with the running of our school)

Details of your welfare such as how you are getting on at Oxford International, safeguarding or child protection records and any problems or issues you may have had

To look after your wellbeing and meet government safeguarding regulations

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Compliance with a legal obligation

Details of any behaviour issues or exclusions

To manage discipline in the schools

Necessary for our legitimate interests (to manage school discipline)

Details of fee payments and any debt you might owe OIEG

To To assist with debt collection

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to manage debt collection)


For maintaining security

Necessary for our legitimate interest (for keeping our staff and students safe)

For marketing our services

Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interest(to promote our educational activities and show prospective students/parents what we do here)

CCTV footage*

For security management


Necessary for our legitimate interests (to maintain building and personal security)

Data about your use of information and communications systems, including Internet use


To meet our safeguarding obligations

Compliance with a legal obligation

To administer and protect the school

Necessary for our legitimate interests (to secure our buildings)

Where we have obtained consent to use student data, this consent may be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
The Department for EducationTo provide data on international students
The Local Education AuthorityTo provide data on international students
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted or the British CouncilTo comply with regulatory inspections
Service providersFor running surveys, providing taxi or excursion services, providing security services, debt collection
Financial organisations*For processing payments
Our auditorsFor carrying out legal audits of company accounts
Health and social welfare organisationsTo manage student wellbeing
Professional advisers and consultantsTo assist us in developing our business
Police forces, courts, tribunals*For dealing with legal issues
Your family and representatives

To share details of your academic progress or to tell them about attendance or behaviour issues or for debt collection

Exam BoardsTo enter you for exams
UCASTo enable you to apply to universities in the UK
Marketing services, such as those offered by FacebookTo identify other students who may be interested in studying with Oxford International. No decisions will be taken about you based on this profiling
University PartnersTo enable you to progress to your chosen course of study with the partner university


Your personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com 


We will keep personal information about you while you are an active student. We create and maintain records for each individual student. The information contained in these records is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your position as a student with Oxford International. Once your time as a student with us has ended, we will retain these records and delete them in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.


This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about prospective students and existing students for general research purposes. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the data controller.  This notice applies to the personal data we collect from you and personal data which is passed to us by third parties.

The table below shows the data that we process about the research participants, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data. Cells marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that parent or guardian data may also be processed in the same way, where a student requires parental consent.

The data or type of data we process

The purpose of processing that data

The lawful bases for processing this data

Your name, date of birth, gender, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. Your relationship to the student*

To identify you and to communicate with you and your demographic for marketing purposes


Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to better understand our customers’ needs and to promote our schools and our educational activities)

Your nationality, ethnic background, any special educational needs, special requirements or disabilities

To identify you and to communicate with you and your demographic for marketing purposes

Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to better understand our customers’ needs and to promote our schools and our educational activities)

Your employment status

To identify you and to communicate with you and your demographic for marketing purposes

Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to better understand our customers’ needs and to promote our schools and our educational activities)


When do we share research participant data?


When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation Name

The Reason for Sharing

University Partners

To share research outcomes with partner university



We will keep personal information about you while you are an active research participant. Personal information will be pseudonymised when the research is produced a secure record will be held. The information contained in these records is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your position as a research participant with Oxford International. Once your time as a research participant has ended, we will retain these records and delete them in accordance with the specified timeframe you have consented to with the third-party researcher or through our marketing team.


This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about ELLT Candidates. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the data controller, and for the purposes of data protection law, this privacy notice applies to Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and its group companies.

The table below shows the data that we process about students, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data.

The data or type of data we processThe purpose of processing that dataThe lawful bases for processing this data
Your name, date of birth, gender, nationality, addresses, email addresses and phone numbersTo identify you to communicate with youFulfilment of a contract with you

For marketing our services


For debt collection purposes

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to promote our educational activities and advertise our services)
Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interests (For the running of our business)
Your educational records and test or exam results from previous schoolsTo offer you the most appropriate test levelFulfilment of a contract with you
Your test or exam results from Oxford International

To provide you with an accurate assessment of your English language level

For debt collection purposes

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Necessary for our legitimate interests (for the running of our business)

Recordings of your oral assessmentFor comparison purposes or in case there is a query from youFulfilment of a contract with you
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to ensure we maintain a quality of teaching or to deal with any complaints you may have)

Where we have obtained consent to use candidate data, this consent may be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
The Department for EducationTo provide data on international students
The Local Education AuthorityTo provide data on international students
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted or the British CouncilTo comply with regulatory inspections
Financial organisationsFor processing payments
Our auditorsFor carrying out legal audits of company accounts
Professional advisers and consultantsTo assist us in developing our business
Police forces, courts, tribunalsFor dealing with legal issues
Your representativesTo share details of your academic performance in the test
University PartnersTo enable you to progress to your chosen course of study with the partner university


Your personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com

Where we have obtained consent to use candidate data, this consent may be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


We will keep personal information about you while you are an active student. We create and maintain records for each individual student. The information contained in these records is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your position as a student with Oxford International (including all its subsidiaries). Once your time as a student with us has ended, we will retain these records and delete them in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.


This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about agents. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the data controller, and for the purposes of data protection law, this privacy notice applies to Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and its group companies.

The table below shows the data that we process about agents and agencies, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data.

The data or type of data we processThe purpose of processing that dataThe lawful bases for processing this data
Names, address, email addresses, phone numbersTo communicate with you about students you have sent to Oxford International; to ensure you have up-to-date information so you can provide accurate information to potential studentsFulfilment of a contract with you
Joining information, referencesTo register your agency with Oxford InternationalNecessary for our legitimate shared interests
Details of students you have sent to usTo administer our business, to manage agreed recruitment targetsFulfilment of a contract with you
ImagesFor marketing our services

Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interest (to promote our activities or advertise our services)

CCTV footageFor security management if you have visited our schoolsCompliance with a legal obligation
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to maintain building and personal security)
Financial details, bank account information, commission agreements, payment recordsTo administer our business, to make commission paymentsFulfilment of a contract with you

Where we have obtained consent to use agent data, this consent can be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
The Department for EducationTo provide data on international students
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted, the British Council, the UKVITo comply with regulatory inspections
Service providersFor running surveys
Financial organisationsFor processing payments
Our auditorsFor carrying out legal audits of company accounts
Health and social welfare organisationsTo manage student wellbeing
Professional advisers and consultantsTo assist us in developing our business
Police forces, courts, tribunalsFor dealing with legal issues
University PartnersTo enable us to secure commission for you and for our legitimate interest (in development of university relationships)


Your personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com


We will keep personal information about you while you are an active agent. We create and maintain records for each agent. The information contained in these records is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your position as an agent for Oxford International. Once your time as an agent with us has ended, we will retain this file and delete the information in it in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.


This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about applicants. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the data controller, and for the purposes of data protection law, this privacy notice applies to Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and its group companies.

The table below shows the data that we process about applicants, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data.

The data or type of data we processThe purpose of processing that dataThe lawful bases for processing this data
Details that appear on CVs and cover letters such as names, address and date of birth, education/professional qualificationsTo assess your suitability for the role you have applied for and for progressing your applicationTo perform an employment contract with you, in the event you are successful
Interview notes/results from assessmentsTo assess your suitability for the role you have applied forNecessary for our legitimate interests (to make recruitment decisions)
References from former employersA pre-employment check to assess your suitability for the role you have applied forNecessary for our legitimate interests (to make recruitment decisions)
Right to work informationTo assess your eligibility for the role you have applied forCompliance with a legal obligation
Pre-employment checks such as criminal record checksA pre-employment check to assess your suitability for the role you have applied forCompliance with a legal obligation; to fulfil regulatory checks
Salary, benefits and bonus informationFor the purposes of making an offer of employmentTo perform an employment contract with you, in the event you are successful
We may also collect data about ‘special categories’ of sensitive personal information such as your race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, disability, sexual orientationFor equal opportunities monitoringWhere you have given us consent
If we need to make reasonable adjustments as part of the recruitment processFor the purposes of ensuring a fair selection processWhere you have given us consent

Where we have obtained consent to use applicant data, this consent can be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted or the British CouncilTo comply with regulatory inspections
Service providersFor running surveys
Financial organisationsFor processing payments
Our auditorsFor carrying out legal audits of company accounts
Professional advisers and consultantsTo assist us in developing our business
Police forces, courts, tribunalsFor dealing with legal issues

In addition, your personal data may be shared internally with other employees who are involved in the recruitment process, employees in HR who have responsibility for recruitment and on-boarding, employees in IT for setting up systems and permissions, and employees in security for access to our premises.


Your personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com


We will keep personal information about you while you are an active applicant. We create and maintain files for each applicant. The information contained in these files is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your position as an applicant. Once the application process is finished, we will retain this file if your application is successful in accordance with our Staff Privacy Notice, or delete it after 12 months, in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.


  • – AI Recruit Ltd, Trading as ai.r


This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about employees. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.

The table below shows the data that we process about employee and agencies, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data.

The data or type of data we processThe purpose of processing that dataThe lawful bases for processing this data
Name, date of birth, genderTo administer our relationship with youFulfilment of a contract with you
Telephone number, email address, postal addressTo administer our relationship with youNecessary for our legitimate interests (to manage the workforce)
Next of kin and emergency contact numbersTo contact family or close friends in the event of an emergencyTo protect your vital interests
Bank account details, payroll records, National Insurance number, tax status information, salary, annual leave, pension & benefits information, marital statusTo process salary paymentsFulfilment of a contract with you
To provide tax and related data to HMRCCompliance with a legal obligation
Recruitment information, including copies of right to work documentation, references and other information included in a CV or cover letter or as part of the application processTo administer the businessNecessary for our legitimate interests (recruitment)
To facilitate safe recruitment, as part of our safeguarding obligations towards pupilsCompliance with a legal obligation
Qualifications and employment records, including work history, job titles, working hours, training records and professional membershipsTo administer our businessNecessary for our legitimate interests (to manage the workforce)
Performance information; outcomes of any disciplinary and/or grievance procedures; absence dataTo administer our businessFulfilment of a contract with you
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to support effective performance management)
Copy of driving licenceTo ensure legal, insured use of vehiclesCompliance with a legal obligation
ImagesFor maintaining securityNecessary for our legitimate interest (for keeping our staff and students safe)
For marketing our services

Where you have given us consent

Necessary for our legitimate interests (to promote our educational services and schools)

CCTV footageFor security managementNecessary for our legitimate interest (maintaining the security of the building)
Data about your use of the organisation’s information and communications systems, including Internet useTo meet our safeguarding obligationsCompliance with a legal obligation
To administer and protect the businessNecessary for our legitimate interests (to secure our buildings)
Criminal record informationTo meet our safeguarding obligationsCompliance with a legal obligation
Medical and disability informationTo administer our relationship with you (in relation to sick pay, occupational health, making reasonable adjustments and complying with H&S law)

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Compliance with a legal obligation

Where we have obtained consent to use employee data, this consent can be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn



When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
The Department for EducationTo meet our obligations for sharing data with the government
The Local Education AuthorityTo meet our obligations for sharing data with the government
Government departmentsTo meet our legal obligations on matters such as tax and social security
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted or the British CouncilTo comply with regulatory inspections
Service providersSuch as companies that run surveys for us or provide travel or insurance services or venues that are hosting events for Oxford International including seasonal programmes or conduct criminal record checks
Financial organisationsFor processing payments, administering pensions
Our auditorsFor carrying out legal audits of company accounts
Police forces, courts, tribunalsFor dealing with legal issues
Other education providersWhere we have partnerships
Security providersFor DBS checking services
Other employersTo provide an employment reference on your behalf and where you have given your consent to the prospective employer to contact Oxford International



Your personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com


We will keep personal information about you while you are an active employee. We create and maintain records for each member of staff. The information contained in these records is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your position as an employee of Oxford International. Once your time as an employee with us has ended, we will retain this file and delete the information in it in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.



This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about Homestay Providers. Oxford International is the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.

The table below shows the data that we process about Homestay Providers, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data.

The data or type of data we processThe purpose of processing that dataThe lawful bases for processing this data

Name, date of birth, gender, marital status


To administer our relationship with you

To match you with the most appropriate student and cater for dietary restrictions related to religion (eg Kosher/Halal)

Fulfilment of a contract with you

Explicit consent

Telephone number, email address, postal addressTo administer our relationship with youNecessary for our legitimate interests (to manage the workforce)
Bank account details, National Insurance number, tax status informationTo process paymentsFulfilment of a contract with you
To provide tax and related data to HMRCCompliance with a legal obligation
ReferencesTo facilitate safe recruitment, as part of our safeguarding obligations towards pupilsCompliance with a legal obligation
ImagesFor marketing purposesWhere you have given us consent
Criminal record informationTo meet our safeguarding obligationsCompliance with a legal obligation

Where we have obtained consent to use Homestay Provider data, this consent can be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.

Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
The Local Education AuthorityTo meet our obligations for sharing data with the government
Government departmentsTo meet our legal obligations on matters such as tax and social security
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted or the British CouncilTo comply with regulatory inspections
Our auditorsFor carrying out legal audits of company accounts
Police forces, courts, tribunalsFor dealing with legal issues
Security providersFor DBS checking services
Students, parents and agentsTo fulfil our contractual obligations with you when making a booking



Your personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com


We will keep personal information about you while you are an active partner. We create and maintain records for each Homestay Provider. The information contained in these records is kept secure and is only used for purposes directly relevant to your role as a Homestay Provider for Oxford International. Once your time as a Homestay Provider with us has ended, we will retain this file and delete the information in it in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.



Privacy Notice for Website Users

This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about users of our website. Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd is the data controller, and for the purposes of data protection law, this privacy notice applies to Oxford International Education and Travel Ltd and its group companies.

The table below shows the data that we process about website users, the reasons for processing this data and the lawful bases for processing this data.

The data or type of data we processThe purpose of processing that dataThe lawful bases for processing this data
Information about your computer and about your visits to and use of this website such as your IP address, geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, how you got to the site, time, day and length of the visit and which pages you click on.To administer the website, improve your browsing experience, enable you use of the services available on the website Provide third parties with statistical information about our users- but this information will not be used to identify any individual user Deal with enquiries or complaints made by or about you relating to the website.Legitimate interest Consent (where you have consented to the use of non-essential cookies* 
Information that you provide us with for the purposes of registering with us to find out more information about our courses for exampleTo provide appropriate information and assistance for you Send you communications relating to the Admissions process which we think may be of interest to you by email or similar technology. You can inform us at any time if you no longer require these communications by emailing us at…. Deal with enquiries or complaints made by or about you relating to the website.Fulfilment of a contract with you Legitimate interest Consent
Information that you provide us with for the purpose of subscribing to our website services and email notificationsTo send you email notifications  you have specifically requested. Send you communications relating to the Admissions process which we think may be of interest to you by email or similar technology. You can inform us at any time if you no longer require these communications by emailing us at…. Deal with enquiries or complaints made by or about you relating to the website.Consent Legitimate interest


Organisation NameThe Reason for Sharing
With Third Party Companies and Individuals, service providers who facilitate our website, host the website on our behalf and who assist us in analysing how our website is used.To improve our website and the services provided for you
The Local Education AuthorityTo provide data on international students
Regulatory bodies, such as Ofsted or the British CouncilTo comply with regulatory inspections
Professional advisers and consultantsTo assist us in developing our business
Police forces, courts, tribunals*For dealing with legal issues
Marketing services, such as those offered by Facebook

To identify other students who may be interested in studying with Oxford International. No decisions will be taken about you based on this profiling

When it is legally necessary, or allowed under data protection law, we may need to share information about you with the organisations listed in the table below, for the listed reasons.


Where you use our Websites, we will process your Personal Information collected by using cookies in accordance with our Cookie Notice.  Please click here to view our Cookie Notice.


our personal information may be stored and processed outside of the country where it is collected, including outside of the European Economic Area.

We will only transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area:

  • where the transfer is to a place that is regarded by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for your Personal Information; or
  • where we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is protected (for example where both parties involved in the transfer have signed standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission);or
  • the above does not apply but we are still legally permitted to do so, for example if the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You can request further detail about the safeguards that we have in place in respect of transfers of Personal Information outside of the EEA and where applicable a copy of the standard data protection clauses that we have in place, by contacting us at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com 


Our Websites are hosted on servers in the EEA. We employ appropriate security measures to help protect your Personal Information and guard against access by unauthorised persons. Information storage is on secure computers in a locked and certified information centre and information is encrypted wherever possible. We undergo periodic reviews of our security policies and procedures to ensure that our systems are secure and protected. However, as the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our Websites.


Please refer to our cookie policy for further information about how long cookie data is stored.  Non anonymised website data is kept for 5 days. If you have made an enquiry with us via a form or have completed an application form via the website please also read the student/parent/guardian privacy policy or the agent/employee privacy policy. For further information about how long various records are kept please request a copy of our Data Retention Policy at protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com.

Links to other sites

Our site contains links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time and we advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page which will become effective immediately.


If you have any questions, concerns or would like more information about anything mentioned in our privacy notices, please contact our Data Compliance Manager protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com

(Last Updated: 5th October 2021)AI Recruit Ltd, Trading as ai.r

Consent Form for Photography and Video – Over 16s

Oxford International would like to take photographs and/or videos of you for promotional purposes. We may use these online and in printed format. For example, we may post a picture or video on social media or on one of our websites, or we may use a photo in a brochure. We will not use the images or videos for any purpose other than promotion of our services.

Before we can do this, we need your consent. In order to give your consent, please read this list of terms, complete and then sign the form. If you do not wish to give your consent, please do not sign the form.

I have read these terms and give my consent for Oxford International to take and use images and videos of me for the purposes of promoting its courses. I understand that:

  • Oxford International will own the copyright of the images and videos
  • The images and videos will be visible to the public
  • I can ask Oxford International to stop using my images and/or videos at anytime, in which case they will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in print

How to Withdraw Consent

If you change your mind, you can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to protectingdata@oxfordinternational.com. In the email, please tell us your name, ID number and the date and location of the photo shoot. If your image is already in use, please also tell us where you have seen it.

For further details on how we use your information please click here.